5 years ago

💥New adventure map object!💥

Source of the Creators


In the ilenar universe, the mysterious creators left many ancient ruins on their galaxy. Most of them had a function. Such is the of many things, the Source of the Creators. Its task was to fill up tired travelers with new, refreshing power. Any Hero who visits the Source of the Creators, will continue the game with maximum power points.



Next up

Hail lone traveler!

Lore of the Galaxy The Rhonous Faction

New enemy - Fearless creature design Original Artwork made by Álmos Leányi

Update: Version 0.0.5 In the newest version of the game, we update the basic stats of the Hero types, we get to some useful feedback about minor bugs, what are successfully repaired.

Hi Everyone!

Some of you may have noticed that the logo and name of the channel have changed.

Not dead yet just animating stuff wip af

Lore of the Galaxy The Zymsue Faction

Early version is available!

Ahoy! My good friend @matepribelszky Released a slight remaster of The Hidden Fragmentation. Version 1.1.0 fixes the technical issues the original game suffered from. Also, there is 64bit support and a new volume control as well!