11 days ago

New channel has been add it in Deltarune Community Page!

"Deltarune: Comics"

#deltarune #community #comics

-- Hello there! --

It's been a while since we last made changes, I hope to be updating and bringing more support to this great community.

The first thing we have is a new channel called "Deltarune: Comics"

In this channel you can add your comics or other people's comics, but you must also give credit so as not to look bad in the community.

Deltarune Comics, to be a place for all audiences who want to contribute to this community with their drawings or comics.

Thank you very much for your attention and support in uploading your own content.



Next up

I thank you very much for your charged stickers, it really is hard for me to believe that I am still supported by great people in this place that is Gamejolt!

A small progress with the bullets, made by our partner / member: @TeamByMyself ( programmer)

Too late to post this lmao!

This is a Sick remix of Rude Buster!

He will never be satisfied, until finally win a Match against fun gang!

https://on.soundcloud.com/62znPsPKAmBFNrfC8 my best cover probs ever, i would greatly appreciate a listen!

Good morning, afternoon joltners and starnes!!

I have already obtained the lightsaber trophy, Another achieve filled!

just made this little music doodle

idk im bored