New ease WR!! Beaten The First Ease game in 14.9 seconds; want to beat my WR? I will send a video later but for now, here is the winning screenshot. Test yourself in my Ease Time Trail:
Next up
Formido... this creature might trespass into your dreams one night (Probably not). Check out @HatpassStudios for more monsters.
Comics are getting an upgrade! Since trying to put more issues on a single page cause too many issues (accidental pun?), they are now split into chunks. This also help with organization and makes viewing issues farther into the comic easier.
Oh no, Mason has fallen into a machine and made 26 clones of himself. Help Mason battle his clones in the sequel, Mason 2. Check it out here, cause why not? (No Download Required)
The Easiest Boss Ever
Escaping The Creator's Lab. Ease 1 Intro Sequence. This is currently a WORK IN PROGRESS and not final footage.
Knock Knock. Who's there? Surprise! Filler Comics are here! View special filler events that take place between different issues for certain comics. (But don't ruin the surprise cause that's no fun).
Blaster: Christmas is finally out! Check it out: However, just for fun, I also have this other Christmas project... but it is only available on Scratch for now due to copyrighted music:
Water ease in real life. In water and out of water.
Should I click the button? #ClickerHeroes