fart 2: quest for anmal cracker

1 year ago

new fart 2 quest for anmal cracker hotfix: i have hired sackboy to explain it to you



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Just one more, and they will be real. Nothing will stop them.

so erm.. to whom it may concern,, we're kinda burnt out on the 9/10 game tradition so we probably wont do it anymore... i forgot to say that before 9/10 sorry :( i prefer not to show off stuff because plans may change but heres someone that may get used

evolution of the modern day farters

Fart 2 final release!!!!!! (i think) if you want to playtest it the new version is out, old version will still be accessible for a bit just in case, one of the plugins did something weird but i think i fixed it, still expecting a few bugs though GUYS THJE UNUSED ENEMY IN THE FILES UPLOADED THIS IS SO EPIC!!!!

lol im an idiot fart 2 2.0 has a debug thing where it levels you up to max level around the end of the game without a choice uploading fart 2 2.0.1 xd

okay i fixed it haha

april FOOLS there is no april fools joke get double april fooled fool

new fart legends update: we added the baseball minigame