
3 years ago

new fight target-



Next up

imp, and imp ready to crush plants off with a melodica lmao

The overworld sprite of Crelanta who takes the place of Toriel, and a shitpost as well as something else.

another thing not important: oh yeah it's finally a short holiday!!! i'm gonna post!!1!1!

Eassul(Peashooter, Sans Replacement) Published Design

DELTATRAVELER - v3.0.6 Update

im a [leaker], a purple-hair [lemon]😈

and i [gonna turn around] for [$0.00] making a game [flight] for another [endertail au] called [hyperlink blocked] , so have a good rest [ovenlunch]


hey guys full phases version is published

sadly still no english translation but you can check out some lores of the au in the game page

epic update *boos*

TS!Underswap - Soup'd Up

We drew the new savepoint sprites, though they seem in a mess under the pixel compression from screen record to gif.