So, I just made a prototype for a game idea that I came up with in the shower.
If you do decide to play it, and because this is still a work in progress, there is one major bug you should be aware of.
Sometimes, upon running the actual game, player characters can disappear entirely without any way of recovering them. You don’t have to shut off the game and open it back up to fix it. You can also pause, in-game, and just start a new game.
Mind you, I’m aware that in this sorry state, the game does suck but that’s why I’m uploading it in its current state, more because I want people to comment about the idea and see where it needs improving or if there are any bugs I need to keep track of.
Anyways, yeah! I actually made a game that isn’t about feeling sorry for myself or something too existential and pretentious that even I forget why I made the game. Please, I hope you enjoy playing this LOCAL 2-PLAYER MULTIPLAYER game! And do comment about any crazy bugs and whatnot.