3 years ago


I finally made an new game.

so, If you didnt know, days ago, My dad was watching some aquarium videos, so I started to join the party of watchin Aquarium videos, and then He showed me an video of Aquarium Shrimps, and then, I started to love Shrimps, I wished to have shrimps as pets, and then today or yesterday, I thinked, ''What if I made an game out of Shrimps?'' so, Today, I did it, I made an Game out of my Favorite Sea-creature, Shrimps, its called ''Shrymp'', its an Survival game where you play an an Shrimp trying to survive the Fishes that want to eat you, your cannibalistic brother, etc.

so, thats all I wanted to say, goodbye.



Next up

Derek's Nextbots is finally released on gamejolt!

Damn I havent chatted here since 6 months, anyways heres the new 80X logo.

Update 2.0 will feature a new map with a classic in it!

Mmmm... blood...

You can throw cupcakes in the 2.0 update!

The Mallparking update is now released!

Derek's Nextbots 2.0 update is now released!

Sorry for not posting a teaser for 16 days, also heres a teaser.