Ash: The Game
6 months ago

New levels (includes filenames), there i just teased a full 2 demos

World 1 Demo

Marshmallow Avenue - Avenue

Pancake Palace - Palace

Syrup Temple - Temple

Blueberry Cavern - Cavern

Bluebilly (pepperman)

World 2 Demo

Cream Swamp - Swamp

The Last Straw(berry) - Strawberry

Bacon Mangrove - Mangrove

Sausage Snackhouse - Snackhouse

Bacon Outlaw (the vigilante)



Next up

We are porting to the eggplant demo

This is turning into something bigger..

Level 1 Sneak Peak (Wip solids)

Man, I just need to stop this asshole! - Doizanelle

Who put their ashes on my pizza?

PF Equivalent btw

Here they are