The Return To Freddy's: Brotherhood
1 year ago

new logo coming soon btw

i made a new one a bit ago but it had a typo in it



Next up

dingle at the store

what will he get


this has to be some kind of fetish what the actual fuck

this is so ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛

A friend from the past.

Meet The Balloon Kid. Definetely has seen better days.

"Beware by the cove of the pirates." [WIP]

Back in development Tried to give him more personality Chuck E. used to have a cigar, so why not lockjaw too? (pretend you can hear his new jersey accent) "Happy boithday to you, m8"

You know what i love? Drawing cutouts Freddy and Bonnie cutouts

The Puppet - Full design

If i had a nickle for every time a semi-popular fnaf fan game dev followed me, I'd have 2 nickels

which isnt much but its weird that it has happened twice