I’ve been tinkering with things for this game for a while, and I think I’ve decided on… this:
It actually looks like something I’d make now! Yay!!!
With this, I’ve decided to decrease the board dimentions to 8X8 instead of 10X10. I did this because A. it looks better B. it’ll be easier to start a game as a new player because smaller boards are less intimidating. I’ve also scaled down the amount of pieces from 25 to 16. 2 less twos (spades), 6 less ones (diamonds), and 1 less bomb (circle).
Things the game still needs:
Sound effects
In game rules and/or tutorial
Tile and menu screen
Things I want to add but might be too hard:
Versus computer mode
Two player LAN
The game will be complete when the first 3 things are complete and added to the distribution. Next article, everything should be in the game (who knows when that will be though).
(I appologise for the smooshed picture. What can I say, the game is wide.)