
9 days ago

New name, new logo and more - Progress report #2

(art by @ReverbCat )


Hello people, it's been a few time since our last progress report, huh? welp, this time we got a lot of things to show you, and I hope y'all like it!

New team members

You heard that right, I'm not the only one working on this project anymore. Now we got @ReverbCat , @StressTown and @cassdudette to the team! Adding more people to the team will help making this game even better, so I hope y'all are as excited as I am!

Name change + new logo

It's been a few time since I named this au "Dusttale: abyss", and I don't think it fits the idea we have to this project as much as I thought before, so I am here to present you to Dusttale-omega , the new name of this project.


(Logo by @ReverbCat )

Guilt trip - Snowdin encounter soundtrack release

After 3 months of existence, Dusttale: omega receives its first song! You can listen to it there:


That's it for today's devlog, I hope next time we'll be able to show some coding progress, but for now, enjoy Guilt trip and stay tuned for the news.

-Thui Rox



Next up

progress is going great! I finished most the dialogues for snowidn encounter and now I can move to finish the spritesheet.

is he ok guys?

I hate when I have a good idea and then someone with better talent has the same idea and turn it into something before me. That makes me want to change things to dont feel as a copy and already happened 4 times while developing this game.

Evil creatures that want MY soul.

A good sketch ruined by my skill issue. What a shame

25 followers special: First concepts (SCRAPPED)

mow many of my followers also like FNAF? you know, just wondering...


It's crazy to think that this take looked like this 10 months ago