1.well i know you can get harassed i already felt that i know how deppresd i felt getting harassed is not fun the one harass people for no reason is why making people feel they're doing something wrong and.. they're just making it so they quit this platform i also quit gamejolt on my main because the people that bully me and harasses me maked me want to kms and making me uselss, lazy, and fat even though it's true well this is the message to the man don't quit gamejolt don't hear the hater's we're still gonna be with you..

2.nah man you're saying that to a child

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Fry's I totally got from @SimonStopidian

Some arts for cool people's!

Me giving a gun to @takwathecutemouse probably a fan art lol

Random shits lol

Berthdaey tomrw!1!11

@ItsHalloweenTimeBois heres your roblox pfp sorry if its bad i never try making a skeleton body

Have you ever bored eating normal cereal's? Try Roblox O's! tottally healthy (Disclaimer: if anyone black's out's they might bought the fake one's) it's also delicouse's Buy now for only 9,99$!

Proff me aet baethtub

good news i might cancel my deletion! bad news is the percentage is deleting my account 99% not deleting my account 1%

Do we get Bitches?