One Week at Mario's 2: Scrutinized (non-profit)
2 years ago

new patch is up
-Fixes Demon Golden Mario

-Fixes the moons bright issue



Next up

Happy New Year! see you soon

6/6, we'll be seeing you very soon!

If I'm lucky, this could be out by the end of December, if not, maybe mid January

Been a minute since I've done a teaser.

(Especially including some messages- Hint Hint Wink Wink.)

After Mario 8 and Origins are done, i'll be doin a small update/patch to Mario 1-6, wether it be graphics or balanced AI to help the game run smoother, here's a sneak peek to Mario 1's update to get an idea what's to come Reminder in the Article:

Remade Teaser "10 Months Later"

be patient with me. that's all i fucking want

The firestorm burns bright, you can only do one thing before you can succumb to the flames.

Mario 8's Development is going well, I've included a new mechanic that makes the doors more important to use properly, along with updating other systems and cameras