8 days ago

New PC, who dis?

Semi-weekly art will take a hiatus untill who knows when, sorry fellow Jolters.

1 comment


Next up

Been playing Terraria so "eye" wanted to make some fanart of a certain ravenous iris!

Some kooky-Kinito fanart of my 8357 Fr13ND!!!

OCs Kamek64 (blue) and Goomer (green) for a future Gmod series I wanna make.

(EDIT: I'm not sure if I'll be able to make this series anymore... but I have a plan B...)


(EX form in pinned comment)

The main gimmick or Kirby & The Dragon King... Excalibur Kirby!!! (Moveset in article)

Now these are quite the Dream Friends...

Are those the followers of 87!?

(Thanks @4george for being the 87th follower!)

[OC Drawing]

The main antagonist for my series MayHide Hotel... Margee the android doll!

(More bout' her in article)

Howdy! Hiya! Questions are still/always open just lettin' ya'll know!

Webseries announcement:

MayHide Hotel!