4 months ago

*New pinned post here* Me making a pinned post? Crazy.

|Hello there! I'm 🍬VerySugaryGoon🍭 but also have MANY other names such as: BaldiColtPop, BCP, MAKEROFNELSON, and BaldCoalPopper.|

|I'm a 5'9, 14Y, Bisexual & Pansexual (i may like men more but shhhhhhhh), Male, Modder (Mostly Baldi's Basics), Coder, Blogger, and Artist.|

|I've some pretty liked characters over the years like: Boresu, Party Boy, Baloo, and Nelson!|

|If your in the Baldi Fandom you've likely seen me or the things I've made at some point cuz I'm everywhere and you can't hide from me! Here's a basic list of stuff I've made my way into: Melvore's School Of Puzzles and FUN!, Basically Funkin', JADEN'S FUN COOL TOTALLY LEGIT LEARNING GAME, The Baldi Scratch Wiki, and many, MANY more that i don't feel like listing!|

|I Like: Chatting, Modeling, Doodling, Making Games, and Playing with my Dog in my free time!|


|Thanks for reading! I'll make sure to add to this every now and then so hope you like knowing every little thing about me ever! Anyways See You Later! :D|

|ERM-UHHHH #Eah :)|

|P3D Sticky Model made by: SaltLazer.|
|Whatshisname Model made by: RailsHere9.|



Next up


"Oops! I forgot to make chat work! I'll fix once you get two laptops."

Uhhhhh I don't think I ever showed this dude off so why not do it now! :D Meet Balmbi if you want ig idk lmao

So like I beat a Baldi Mod again (what's new idiot), this time it was uhhhhhh Mr idiot's feiaofsiosfokfs (https://gamebanana.com/mods/524064) (See images for proof but also spoilers ig!!!)

@Gabriel_bored plz add to docy :) I WILL SED MORE IMAGES IF WANTED :D

damn the chats are down :(

idiot edition

Sorree I keep making Jack's Basic posts but uhhhh-I got this really good endless run and wanted to share :)

UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm gonna post this because like idk if anyone else as done this yet (See Article for context, See other images for Proof.) Note: To avoid spoilers, Play Jack's Basic first!