Green Jerry's Android Port Collection

17 days ago

New port is out: Five Nights at Smudger's 2.

Find it on the game's original page:



Next up

If @Chrowden ports FNaW Deluxe before I start working on my port of that game, I'll cancel my port.

Someone requested him to port it, and it was one of the choices on his latest poll.

New example is out: FNaF Clock/Time with Minutes.

Looking for a voice actor for the phone call, if you want to be the voice actor, let me know.

I'm only going to choose one person, as the game will only have a single phone call on Normal Mode like my other one night games that have phone calls.

After a good while of waiting I am finally safe to show this render featuring me and @Fredinator 's Fredbear models!

The game has been released!

Available for both Windows and Android!

Typical discord call with the boi's

New port is out: Redtrap's Warehouse.

Find it on the game's original page:

The RTTF 1 2.0, RTTF 2 and FNaW Deluxe ports have been canceled.

a little doodle for @scribbleslol my top supporter <3 hehe thank u so much

I helped with @LorenStudio 's newest port and it has been released just now, go play it:…