25 days ago

NEW PROFILE PICTURE!!!! drawn by my good friend @BimbusBobus :)

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--------------------- HELP WANTED --------------------- FNF: FLASHBACKS

We need Coders, Musicians and Voice Actors! If you're interested, Please talk with one of the three devs listed:

jukedpolo, IdioticLuwuke, JosephixTW on twitter.

Comments for Info.

also if anyone is wondering this is a chapter 1 season 3 map recreation. really accurate.

with permission i colored @/beatboxingbode's silly drawings doodles posted to twitter.

(he created raven team leader isn't that awesome, so support him pls)

Oh yes, I almost forgot the beta is public, but I want to clarify that the copyrighted soundtracks will be corrected and the art completed :]

where tf was he goin

I'm practicing to animate shadow.

that was clutch. I wanted to keep my crown, in the end i kept it.

drawing sunky and crew is fun :) (credit to lythero for the image i used as a base btw)

hmmmmm. not sure if that's enough...