S.U.T.A.Beta 2

15 days ago

New Release, 2.14.0: The "Endless" Update!

The first real update in over nine months, so how much have I done in those 9 months?

Nothing, pretty much... I have not been working on the game since the last minor update (2.13.0), I made this update in just under a month because I was bored of working on my other passion project, Six Hours at Diddle’s, and wanted to have a break. I kind of got carried away with how much stuff I added and improved, but I think it turned out pretty good. My favorite addition in this update has to be the Fire Axe, mostly because of the animation (which I put a lot of time into). This is nowhere near what I want the full release to be, but it’s serviceable until then.

Speaking of the full release… I have no idea when it’s coming, in fact, I’ve done pretty much no work on it XD. I really want to keep the same style with the full release, which means keeping the SVG vector format, and I can’t find many good programs that can edit SVGs well (besides, of course, Scratch). The reason it’s so important is the fact that I can so easily edit them. This is kind of exclusive with S.U.T.A, though, because my other games (Home Grown, Pitch Black, Flipping Reality, etc.) have very clear styles that work fine in the PNG format, which works great with programs like Krita, PaintNET, and other programs I use.

So although I started working on this update because I was bored and wanted to have a little nostalgic fun with Scratch, this actually turned into a pretty good game, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't learn anything from the experience. One thing I now plan to do is release the full game on Newgrounds! I honestly loved releasing this on it, and I hope to release more of my games there in the future.

And, no, the title is not implying that I will continue releasing updates until the end of time. I have a lot of stories I want to tell, this is just one.


  • Rogue Mode: Rogue-Like Survival

    • Higher difficulty

    • Item shop every 5 rounds

    • Barrier upgrades

  • New Boss: Bulky

  • 4 New Weapons

    • The Deagle (Pistol): 32 damage, 9 rnd magazine, great handling, high knockback, 10rps semi-auto, 1.4s Reload

    • The Revolver (Pistol): 46 damage, 6 rnd chamber, poor handling, low knockback, 6rps single action, .3s + .3s/rnd reload

    • The Fire Axe (Melee): 55 Damage, very low knockback, .45s windup, .4s holster, straight swing, hits a single enemy

    • The Machete (Melee): 26 Damage, low knockback .25s windup, .3s holster, wide swing, hits three enemies

  • Gradient alert for boss directions

  • Options menu


  • Gameplay re-balancing

    • Enemy health

    • Enemy speed

    • Added enemy velocity

    • Removed Item spawn RNG

    • Removed $urvive item

    • Loot spawns after each wave only

    • Plank rewarding now global

    • Enemy damage is now periodic (as opposed to continuous)

      And more…

  • Gunplay improvements

    • Added handling system

    • Reload canceling

  • Classic Mode Changes

    • Enemies don’t spawn from the bottom

    • Two barriers are placed on top for free

    • Longer downtime

  • Several redesigned sprites

  • Audio mixing

  • Early dynamic music

  • Bye bye original Pistol

  • Tapping E now repairs barriers

  • Barriers now snap to a grid

  • Redesigned HELP menu


  • Fixed several issues with Turbo Mode

  • Fixed the game stopping after winning Classic

  • Fixed placing barriers on other barriers



Next up

"you got games on yo phone?"

I've fixed over a dozen bugs, heavily improved the gameplay, and now I must prepare to add the new content! Here's a screenshot btw

(GameJolt compression kinda ruins it)

S.U.T.A.Beta 2 is back with a huge re-balancing update If you like action, survival, roguelikes, or shooters, you'll love this!

So play on your browser now! (or else*)

I got into the Batman Arkham games recently and discovered I can do a pretty good Joker impression.

Here's a pixelated Joker piece I made in about half an hour!

I finally beat Clubstep with 1857 attempts...

Now I have only two official levels left to complete

Devlog 17: Accepting imperfection

eight years... #spawnday

Lights: DIE OUT, Devlog 1 - This is gonna be fun!

Hello everyone! And merry (almost) Christmas :D