Chibi Yandere
6 years ago

New Sprites for your game and announcement!/Nouveaux sprites pour ton jeu et annonce!

As suggested by @chibiyandere54 , I will add the new characters added in Yandere Simulator in a future update. For now you’ll have one character of the Art club, two of the Drama club, two of the Sport club and Laurenz Side.
A snapshot of most of them is below. In this screenshot you can also see the new town that will be added to the game in the near future. I added a lot of new features in the game. I will give you more information when the work is done.
Stay tuned and thanks for reading!


Comme suggéré par @chibiyandere54 , je vais ajouter les nouveaux personnages ajoutés sur Yandere Simulator dans une future mise à jour.
Pour le moment vous avez un personnage du club d’art, deux du club de théâtre, deux du club de sport et Laurenz Side. Un aperçu de la plupart d’entre eux est au dessus. Dans cet capture d’écran vous pouvez aussi apercevoir les nouveautés du jeu. Je donnerai plus d’informations lorsque le travail sera terminé.
Restes au jus et merci d’avoir lu!



Next up

Who's da best? A little recap that compare every students for specific events in Chibi Yandere Complete Edition.

Congratulations to the winner Nicolas!

Happy holidays to everyone!

How to make Chibi Yandere Complete Edition work in Linux distributions ? Also some announce about ending support for specific supports.

Object function is out and information about the 0.7.0 update.

Inventory system is returning

Future update with full objects supported!

Hazu... you're such a pervert!

Version 0.6.5 is out now.

Ding Dong Ding Dong! A new update (0.7.1) and upcoming changes for the fan game!

New web site and Contest to earn a free t-shirt!

New update of Chibi Yandere 0.6.3


How to catch a cheater!