2 years ago

New story to scare you so much u wll die. ( Full Credit to this story to Lazy Kermit he wrote the entire thing.)



In a town of the name Red den one boy lives in the town the boy stands in the front yard of his home as he stands he sits on the ground, the boy looks at the sky to see that it is all a lie the walls are just painted with clouds and trees the whole world he knows as home is just a lie waiting the boy see another kid they looked like him but when he tries to walk to them it was just a cloud of dust . alone nowhere to go the boy sees an air vent he sees boxes that he could get on and out into what he calls outside all lies he tries to get on the box but they turn to dust with just a touch so he lays on the floor waiting for someone to help all for it to be dust he sees, and he falls asleep. The boy wakes up still in the lie of a world he see two people in dark gray masks they take him toa different room there are three doors he picks the first door all he sees is an old phone wrapped in webs of spiders food that they left behind

The boy is taken bake to the lie world and there he stays. 

Dust chapter 2


The boy wakes up to see a cage of frogs all of them weird colors not of what a frog should be like a test gone wrong. The takes the frogs to the vent and throws them out trying to break the vent so he can get out the two gray people grab him before he could get out the gray people take the boy to a new room its all blank like a back room to a job you work for all your life than hate it for the time your there, the boy sits in this room to look at a blank T V nothing to look at its just black after the stare into the black void the boy tries to get out again using the T V as a tool as the gray people came to take him the boy throws the T V at them and running out of there as the boy tries to do his plan he get only one of the gray people but he still runs as fast as he could. When the boy gets to a door he is stuck there still trying to get it open but he gets taken away again and was force to be asleep. 


Dust chapter 3


The boy in Red Den is still in the world of lie

He wakes up to see a plushy the boy takes it and throws it out of the vent the boy now runs to one of the gray people and starts to fight one of them as the boy was fighting the gray person the other grabs the boy and throws him away, he is given a badge and it say jack den, the boy thinks he is Jack den so he calls himself Jack. The boy sits in the blank room looking at the black screen T V and plans his way to get out as he does one of the gray people take him back to his room of lies, he stays there until its night time as the boy is put to sleep he sees the T V with something on it other than the black it was like a blue light with a person on the T V. 


 Dust chapter 4


The boy wakes up in the blank room with the TV and its not a black screen it was a black and white show it was a drama the boy was not too happy they did not show him the show before but as the show played the show turns a bit off the black and white drama turns to a kids show telling the boy to get out of the room before something happens. The boy does as the show says to do but as he does the gray people get the boy and drag him away and back to sleep but the boy tries to get out of at night as the boy tries to get out, he sees a camera he grabs a wood toy and breaks the wall to see a different room he walks in the room and sees two people talking the boy sees a chair and he breaks the two people skull. Than the boy goes to sleep the blood on the wall and the boy asleep. 

 Dust chapter 5


The boy wakes up like any other day and walks around the place not knowing where or why he was there in the first place all he knows is that he is stuck there until the end of his life wishing he could leave the boy has a wood block in his hand ready for what he does best. The boy runs to one of the gray people and hits them the boy still hitting the gray person. The boy all in blood runs to the new room he found lost but thinking there is a way out he tries to break though walls. The boy does so and finds 40 different rooms. Once the 30 different gray people try to get him the boy lays on the floor of the 34 room he found he finds an axe he leaves it and runs to a bed and sleeps to wake up again. 

Dust  chapter 6


The boy wakes up in room 27 on the bed he found in the room seeing cameras all around the rooms he found he thinks if he breaks them all he can do is break free form the lie of the world he is in. As the boy breaks and breaks he finds some opening to day light and outside so the boy thinks that is the new way out he tries to break free from the opening but it was a new room with glass windows at every space so he tries different spots but it was the same over and over again and again rooms with windows every space with a windows so he tries to jump out of the windows but they are don’t break even with using the axe he found it was like nothing could break the windows the boy falls head first into one of the windows and it breaks out in the real world he thinks it just another room but there is no gray people only humans like him the boy thinks this is just a lie so the boy runs to a dark place in an alley and falls asleep to wake up again. 

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(I’m allergic to pizza)

I wish for the ability to manifest 20 dollar bills whenever I want.

What tf am I doing awake 😭

Not again 😭

Goodnight ladies, gentlemen, and arachnids, I shall see you once again tomorrow.

Flash low-key tweaking 😭 😭