1 year ago

New update 0.0.3!

The update contains a small extension of level 6, 2 new types of enemies, fixes of some bugs (as a small fact, a link to the @I_Will_Probably_Die page has already been added in the credits) and two songs have already been added to the game page :D

The game here: https://gamejolt.com/games/T_C/808234



Next up


They're gone, but I kept a few: D

okay small new game is up https://i-will-probably-die.itch.io/just-like-run-fast you can play it here.

gonna take some time off so I can learn Godot so don't expect much in content for a little while.

I opened over a month and a half worth of sticker packs to ONLY get 16 of these stickers


Box pushing game is finished can you beat the dev speedrun record of 2min and 48sec?

I think it's time to see the pending messages, right?

https://itch.io/game/accept-admin/2155980/8245041 just finished my game for GMTK GAME JAM 2023

would love if you guys go and play it.

2 More!