Escape room
6 months ago



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15 DOWNLOADS!!??! WHAT THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! #indiedevs #rpgmakerhorror #rpgmaker

I asked AI to make a song based on my upcoming game Toyland and... didn't expect it to actually be good lol #toyland #AISongs #horrorgames

"Vampiric eyes looking at flames with determination"

I enjoy drawing eyes, so I made this. They belong to the main character of my game. Fire will be a main theme in the second part of the story. #pixelart #rpgmaker

The one thing I noticed about #escaperoom is that people really loved the 3D aspect, so best believe there will be a WHOLE lot more 3D action than before. #rpgmaker #rpgmakermz #indiegames

Alice from Mary Skelter: Nightmares

He's here.

I'm really happy that there's now a pixel art realm, this is my first post here and in the future, I'll share a lot more. #pixelart #rpgmaker