9 years ago

New version will be uploaded shortly

Long time no see! But fret not. The game is picking up speed and a small team is assembled around it. The new version will have some very drastic changes (different textures supported on each plane, decals!, more animations and many speed optimizations especially on older pcs, along will come the first batch of our created content to steadily start replacing google assets). Just debugging for now and I hope to upload the new version by the end of this week! Stay tuned!



Next up

3d Model Prototypes These models are on their way to be textured and will soon appear on our dungeons! A big thank you to our modeller Ilias Petrogonas and our concept artist Elias Tsatsaris! Keep up the good work guys!

Preliminary sketches Some preliminary sketches for the game, while we are deciding the look of the enemies and the general direction the game should take. All made by our talented Art Director Elias Tsatsaris.

📢 #Staysafe and dance, dance, DANCE! 💃🎵

Wear a #mask people 😷

"Endless Hero" #FreetoPlay #endlessrunner #game

Coming soon on #GooglePlay

Video by the awesome @Forat_Aldahme

#tenebrastudios #endlesshero #games #android

Concept Art Colour and lighting test concept art from our art director Elias Tsatsaris! Keep it up Elias!

"Endless Hero" #Backstage - CC Welcome!

#FreetoPlay #endlessrunner coming soon on #GooglePlay 

Video by the awesome @ForatAldahme

#tenebrastudios #endlesshero #clickergame #Android