FNaF Ultimate Edition 3
5 years ago

News #5

So I did a mistake with yesterday’s update. For you see, I basicly have two versions of the game engine file of the game, one with all the unused content being inaccessible but still there and another one in which the content is completely removed to reduce space. The first version of the game released publicly was the one with the content cut, but the second version which was released yesterday was a modified version of the one with the content in. I didn’t mean to update and release this version. You can’t access the scrapped content anyway so it’s just wasting space and i’m sure there were a few bug fixes in the public version that weren’t in that one. So I just went and properly updated the one that should have been released. I suggest downlading it instead. That’s all for now, have a great day.

@FNaF Ultimate Edition 3



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Remastered 8 Bits

Imagine I combined TRTF 1 and FNaF UE 1 wouldn't that be the best thing you have seen in your entire life ever?!?!?


Remember when people used the old purple guy animatronic edit in FNaF UE 1 video thumbnails even after I made the new edit

Live footage of TRTF Bonnie entering the office

Top 10 ways to seduce a woman:

There, I'm working on it!!!1! But I won't make more videos, I only wanted to showcase the peak nose honk feature

I demand Emil Macko to make an entire franchise out of this

Frank Sinatra sings FNaF 3 The Musical flawlessly

Scrapped phone panel in FNaF UE 2 from 2017