Bonnie's Debauchery Simulator
8 years ago

News/update stuff

Ok so, for those of you who don’t know, there is going to be an act 2 for this game, and you also might’ve noticed I changed the header (in reference as to the kinda shit to expect sorta.) Act 2 is like a blender. it’s a combination of several things from other fangames, like gfds 1986 and Endoskeleton debauchery quest, also a shitload of persona. don’t ask me when it’ll be out, because i don’t know.



Next up

hi! it's been awhile, huh?

the eve comic #1

hi! surprise """new""" game!

hi again :) wtf it's almost been a month already wth

A BIG QOL fix for the game!

New Information and screenshots!

woah. has it really been 6 months????

Update for the curious people and thanks for your patience!

Something people will eventually notice...

We are under attack!

Chiaki Nanami!