>Dormitabis: Remastered (1.0) -Developer Archive-
7 months ago

Next update will be uploaded shortly, Here is what I added:
- Added Night 11 phone call
-Lowered the difficulty of Night 11 to match 1.7.3's difficulty.
-Fixed being able to access BITE Night in the Extras without completing it.



Next up


If anyone is interested in working on Trilogy, we need:

-An environmental modeler.

-An animatronic modeler.

Know that this project will NOT get cancelled so don’t worry about your work possibly getting scrapped.

FYI: BitHell is not involved

#spawnday Here's an OLD ass Dormitabis Remastered 2.0 menu concept and loading screen. This was pre-gateway and around the time when it wasn't even a trilogy yet. I won't release any of the more recent Gateway stuff (Ex. Stuff from a month or 2 ago)

oh excuse me ma'am

Insane Edward Sphere

I want sleep

I heard a noise

How would you want to be remembered?

Re-uploading Blackout’s posts because their account is constantly in a state of change due to Honko deleting their posts.

The trailer has been uploaded for release on August 9! I look forward to seeing you at the fangame direct!

Art by @GrayHat_productions