It was 2003. I was around 10 watching with my little brother who was 4 at the time. I loved him so I tolerated what he watched. He started loving Nick Jr. Named noggin at the time. In 2003 watching lotta shows. It was mostly smooth. Regular airing. Blues clues was gonna come on. My brother loved that show. And it was ok actually. Anyways before the next episode came on a bumper played. That’s When the incident happened. I was able to take some photos. Anyways let’s get to the incident.
It started like a normal bumper. But then. Jr twitched. Orange text appeared on the screen which I assume was nick speaking it said “Jr? What’s wrong” now before I continue this was years ago so I can’t remember exactly. And Jr spoke mostly in arabic so it’s roughly translated from memory. Jr responded “The son is not here now” (again it’s roughly translated so I assume by the son he meant jr) nick responded “what do you mean jr isn’t here” jr then grew to the size of nick becoming slightly darker and responded “Only Vespertilio remains” Nick went “WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SON” Jr. Who I will call Vespertillio from now on. Grew about twice the size of nick growing really darker

The text on screen roughly translates to “This world is not perfect. But beggars cannot be choosers” nick responded “what are you” Vespertilio responded “Just a 10-year-old boy who met a terrible fate” nick just stood in shock for few seconds before saying “why is my son punished for what happened to you” vespertilio said “I need a body to develop my strength” nick said “what do you want from me.” Vespertilio. Speaking In English this time said “YOUR. CHANNEL.” Before detaching their head from jr and attacking nick, eating his limbs, breaking bones, ripping his stomach out, and before ripping his head off a smaller, lighter blue, figure appeared. Resembling nick and jr, with the text “EL” on its chest. It said in English “stop elder brother, he can’t do anything now, even if their somehow alive, let’s move on to the rest of the channel” as they both walked away allowing the corpse of nick to be seen

This is nicks corpse.
The light blue one. Who I now will call EL. Then said “5000 years of death for this. I can work with it I guess” before Vespertilio and EL said to the camera (and the children watching from home) “never forget us” in English

Image of them saying it
And I never did forget them. But before they left EL said “I’m going to deal with the other orange one” and vespertilio said “ok” before the screen cut to a nickelodeon technical difficulties screen. Ending the incident. I HAVENT learned about these things a lot since. But I still see them. Years later.