Project Rhythm
8 months ago

Nightly build 0.3.38 is now available.

At this point Beta 3 is pretty much ready for release in terms of features. I would like to add another song or two before I release Beta 3, but otherwise things have been looking good.

Changes since build 35:

  • The game will now verify the integrity of the built-in songs before allowing you to play them (this will be useful for security in the future when I add the ability to save scores).

  • Fixed "false hits" (when you hit a note according to the hit window but the note doesn't realize it has been hit)

  • Fixed antimash still triggering during a BRE

  • You can now press Enter at any point during a song to restart the game



Next up

Somehow I have been on this platform for 8 years now. Might as well be infinite years, am I right?


I did it. I've officially placed 20,000 blocks in a single project. That's right. Twenty. Freaking. Thousand. Blocks.

Hello little baka

Five Nights with Fumos has surpassed Scratch Adventure: Before the Darkness as my most followed game on this platform. I honestly did not expect this.

*Works on a huge code for an ai do different things, the code don't work, do it again*

Don't let her wake up...

I can no longer upload this game to the Scratch website...

sum the team been cookin up


I have reached the triple digits (for the build number)...