Blud's a loser that likes CP and defends @Gone_Forever, lmao. (first image by @Official_Dumbass_69 )



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About Sigma (check the article)

#fanartfriday it's just Sonic, nothing else...

Heya guys, Bulacha here with great news! (messcratchified) UNDERSWAP: Papyrus Fight is completed! TO go with it, here's this launch trailer made by E!Mef Studios (NOTE: Trailer does not contain actual gameplay footage) Go check it out!

i'm getting the fuck outta here, goodbye

lefty sonic from @MoleyMSPAINT Game

I just drew classic sonic for fun, lol.

Sonic and Tails Sprites (SPA Undertale RPG Style)

O cu tá piscando 😖

Un Robin de Bolsillo