26 days ago

No I'm not finished with all the factions

I just have DND, and dinner to make

I'll try doing the rest tomorrow



Next up

Here's some villains and anti-heroes of the Mythrilverse

(Last one is birds eye view shot of the entire drawing)

Some doodles I forgot to post Wednesday

Found these in my room at the old apartment and forgot I drew them

Geometry doodles part 8

Here's where I'll put all reference sheets for Mythrilverse Characters.

[Listing Hero/Villain Alignments in Article]

We're in the new house let's gooooooooooooooo

Wip Redesigns

Left to right: Trial!Stripes, Time Star, Disrupt, Fierce

!Important Notice!


This is going to be a lot, so brace yourselves for a lot of information.

ELA doodles part 2

Drew this with @StripesJ

[they drew Chara]

Some Ice Golem thing I drew for fun yesterday on my phone during lunch