Awkward Dimensions Redux
8 years ago


Or at least there shouldn’t be. I’ve been watching every lets play, and I’ve made fixes to all the trouble spots, and refined some features that may have caused some confusion in the past. However, the game is much better this time around. Also added a new level and more dev commentary in the dev commentary mode. So if you want to give the game another go, I’d recommend doing that now! :D



Next up

Just released an open source first person interaction toolkit. If you want to make your own walking sim adventure game, this is a great place to start!…

Update 1.03, The pink room update! Game now has level selection menu, fixed credits, a pink room, and small tweaks and fixes to typos among other things.

Awkward got an honorable mention, that's pretty tight.

IT'S LIT!!! Thank you all so much!

a lil' update, for the past two years I've been making e-card games for loved ones and now you can play all of them. Some are more gamey than others, and some are almost impossible if you aren't the person they were made for, enjoy?

Just for fun I'm making a free first-person interaction toolkit, basically a walking sim template for 03DE and I need some feedback on what mechanics you'd expect in a package like this. What do you think I'm missing or should add?

Any indie devs in Taiwan who didn't get to make it to the games showcase in Yuanshan this past weekend? I'm here for another three weeks.

I'll be at DU Arcade this Saturday the 27th. If you're in Colorado, come on down to this free event full of awesome indie games from a bunch of cool folks.

Awkward Dimensions Redux is on "Hot Games"!!! YASSS!!!! After years of uploading all my work to gamejolt… this is a first for any of my games, Woohoo!

Been making mods for #Bonelab lately, feel free to check out my various avatars and such