That title might be scaring some of you… but I’ve been having some serious issues lateley. The engine will not stop crashing and starting it back up takes 30+ minutes.
I’m on the brink of completely quitting on this project, I’ve tried to import the map, shrinking it makes it stretch out for some reason, and it’s just too much on me. I have no idea on texturing and making simple game mechanics such as camera mechanics, flashlights, and even movement. It just REALLY confuses me and I have no idea how people can start out with this engne with no education on game development.
I’ve also had some bad IRL things happen that I don’t want to talk about, so I will be taking at least a break on this game. I’ve also got animations I need to complete, jobs I need to attend, and just so many things that I can’t substitute for in favor of game development.
Therefore I am quitting further development on ths game. Although I might start it again one day, I still have some hope left. Again, I MIGHT come back to this.