
1 month ago

Notes about the upcoming enhanced build of the demo

Yo it's pizzaeater16 here and today I have a post to prepare your faces for the awesome upgraded demo build of the game coming out!!

Because I have -3000 IQ I do not remember if I stated half of this shit so yeah um here I go with a list of some of the changes from the last build of the demo.

There are slight layout changes to the Fields area at the start of the game. (Nothing too big just a slight extension of like two places.)

The layout of the EA Dungeon has been slightly altered and there is a new miniboss that must be fought to complete the dungeon!! (Also nothing too big.)

The City area of the game has had the main quest changed to better pace the game. It's nothing major but I felt that there was too much of "go here kill boss okay now go here kill this boss" so I added slightly more to do here to help with that a bit. (Also the president boss will be toned down quite a bit. I had given them a lot of health due to them being the final boss of the first demo but that has been reverted.) (Also I updated all of Miku's animations.)

In terms of balance changes I have reduced the HP of most enemies by a little bit. Which should make random encounters more bearable. (This should result in about 1-2 less turns required to defeat enemies.)

Now moving onto the new added stuff!

I've added a new area called Beach Town!! It has a few houses in it and one optional boss fight!!


And then there's Poo Fart City!! (Best area name ever???)

I've had to completely rework the area from how it was going to be in the full game due to some parts of it just not feeling right. I'm still finishing up some of the side content in the area and right now as I'm typing this I'm actually coding the boss of this segment!!


I plan on having my playtesters run through the demo some time next week and after hearing their thoughts and balancing the demo more then everything should be ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The enhanced demo should definitely be out this month!! wooo! it should have been out a while ago but whatever!! After that I might take a short break and then devote all of my free time to finishing the full game!!

Which on that note! I do not like trying to predict when anything I do will be done because I'm pretty much always wrong but if I had to estimate then a fully completable build of the game should probably be ready around August to September depending on how I work (also life has been super busy). The content after the demo is nowhere near finished and I want to feel fully satisfied with each segment of the game before releasing it so it may take some time for me to finish each area.

Here's some screenshots of the super early designs of the final areas!

This is the lower area of the Fields from the start of the game


As you can see I've barely gotten any progress on it yet due to areas not accessible to the demo not being a priority.

Here is the current design of a forest area right before the final segment of the game!! (Also still needs a lot of work)


This area is going to be used to prepare the player for the final challenges of the game and will offer a good bit of side content to help the player become stronger.

This is the outside of the final dungeon!!


The final dungeon has not been touched at all since I've designed the outside of it a while ago. I plan on it being fairly large and will require the player to heavily prepare before going inside.

Hope u enjoyed my really really really stupidly long dev post!! tacomuncher9 out!!




Next up




Guess what!!!

erm, mom! i just beat the first level!!

Game isn't cancelled

grug post 12

duhhhh I'm just gonna release the demo now

Status report 504583

this is me rn