Redrawing FNaF Project
8 months ago

Nothing today. I’m sick and I really feel like I should rest. Hope tomorrow will be better



Next up

Police: “Who killed all those kids at that old pizzeria?”

The Funny Aligator

Day 37

Me when my bib is too small

Day 31: Nightmare Chica

he’s scared of the dark

Day 35: Nightmare

tried a new art style…. it looks sick ngl

I was making a stylized Jr’s lefty and I messed with the colors and I made this little demon…

Ello, old chap! Fancy for a tea?

Day 29

Wanna play?

Day 34: Nightmare Fredbear

The Funny Weasel when he’s not in the Scary Bear movie

Day 36: Pogoes the Weasel

aw man! he’s offline :(