Coffy's: Enhanced (Official) | PAUSED
4 years ago

Nothing very important // Nada muito importante

Por mais que estes animatronics não sejam tão assustadores acho que estou conseguindo fazer um bom trabalho nas novas telas de game over, esta bem... "brutal". Óbvio que não tem gore mas vai ter um pouco de sangue e os personagens ficaram bem sinistros no ambiente, espero que vocês gostem :>

OBS: As noites estão perto de ficar prontas

As much as these animatronics are not that scary I think I'm managing to do a good job on the new game over screens, looks like something... "brutal". Obviously there is no gore but there will be some blood and the characters are really creepy in the ambient, I hope you like it :>

NOTE: The nights are close to being ready

- Raffler



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Coffy's 3rd Anniversary! / 3º Aniversário de Coffy's!

So familiar

Coffy's: Enhanced Pixel Art

Places you've seen before

Deltarune chapter 3 leak wtf

I'm just kidding guys, don't repeat this, we are talking about hacking accounts on the site, I'll delete the post soon to not generate any problems

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Time to remake this.