( Canceled! ) Infernal Dominion The Soul's Awakening

2 months ago

Now in the map selection, you can select between "Day" "Afternoon" "Night" they work, but we are testing.



Next up

I made a change to the loading screen for chapter 1

New Menu For The Game

New Map Under Test!

Small change when entering the game.

Just a spoiler for one of the final things in Chapter 0.

Test the game's Multiplayer with other players.

I made a new Texture for Tubby GuadiĆ£o, for now I did it for the Face, I'll do it for the rest of the body later.

New Hud Tom, now your character's photo will appear and the ammunition hub of the improved and changed weapon positions, it's just a test.

I made a Launch Settings Menu, when you enter the game you will come across this config screen, it will only have Graphics Config for now.