3 days ago

now this makes me want to cringe

do not follow this guy

also,we gottem



Next up


Hell yeah (before you say that its outdated,cry lmao)


in 2 days is the b-day of 3 epic guys, my friend and colleague @AGPolyBoi , the awesome @firetheuser , and bimbus :), soo... happy birthday

song:Check up

You would play as Pico in this song

its meant to be a Parody Joke mod

this one to be exact:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzqbKmc3KF0

mechanics:Exclaimation marks - on the strumline,Pico would have to hit them to explain why he should've told him

time:6 mins

remember when i used to make art on here a lot?

good times

unfortunately idk wut to draw anymore :C

also im considering being sunky again, thoughts?

Oh no

Oh yeah i didnt draw what the guy said on the image cuz why not

(ft. @FruitloopMonster and @OxanityTheOfficial )

Im gonna die tommorow