Five Nights at Wario's: Mcroy Manor Takeover
11 months ago

Now Time Shift is released (have it be hella bugg go and report some bugs you find please ;-;), My focus can shift to Mcroy Manor Takeover. Not instantly, cause I wanna chill. But, its cool to have one of my games finished for a bit.



Next up

As a birthday gift from me to you, here is the true final gameplay loop for the Main Mode of the game. Don't mind the time in the top left btw, I was just ensuring everything worked before I recorded this.

Five Night's at Wario's: Mcroy Manor Takeover

(The Real) Devlog #1

good nap

The Buu Saga Sucked. But Dragon Ball probably would be less popular without it.

i am definitely a ghost delivering a message on fruppet's behalf. i have come to tell you that fruppet isn't being lazy and not making his games.

whenever he has free time he's doing small work. he's just finished another characters ai.

ooga booga.

I swear to Entity 01 if I reset progress on this one more fricking time-

Saiyans of Universe 14 are often kind and pacifists. Fruppet, suffering the loss of one of his closest friends, invokes one of the most pure rages that Saiyans of the Universe have seen, unlocking the fabled form of Legends.

Ya know, I don't wanna just leave yall without something to chew on. So I'm just gonna leave this here.

School started up for me recently, so I won't be making as much progress on this or Relived Damnation. But, I have actually started work on Dementaphobia Dangers and half of it's gameplay.

Out of interest, anyone find the layout of it... familiar?