A Night at Bobby’s 1

2 days ago

Now we begin the 3 day break for bobby's!



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Now here come the one and only Bobby Bear!!!!!! Art by @Atha1…

Make sure to join and also copy link and show it to other people, oki? 👍

Our goal is to get it to 1,000 followers I hope...

Our second OC that will be in the second game! By @LargeRoseCockroac

But withered Freddy may just be a placeholder 😉

Learn more about each character!!

just a little something I've been working on once we get the gameplay and such more, then I shall make the real trailer

All of the animatronics for a night at bobby's 1 all made by @Atha1 shout outs to him for making all of them!

read the article to know who's gonna be on there

We allow OC to be in the game but they will have to be some rules

read the article to learn about the rules

For people who don't know what Asexual means, A term used to describe someone who does not experience sexual attraction toward individuals of any gender.
