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Heya there! I really wanted to show you all a little gameplay preview of the first boss fight i'm currently working on i hope you like it ^^

What do you think guys in my robot?Just a beginner in 3d modeling..

My instagram https://www.instagram.com/rojhonbb/

I was bored, so... ManutKat.

Demonstration of the spells and their effects :)!

Showing off player 2 😎

What do you think?

Regular exercise is key for healthy wings.

Try it out!


If you have more of an acquired taste, the restaurants in Niravasi have you covered! Maybe skip the salad bar, though.

Our menu, gathered a huge feedback and positive comments among foreign audience, what you say? Game Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1543090/LiBER/

Super Sonic Pixel art.