My 2D Undertale avatar and background that I made to use as a discord model and other things :3!
I liked the result :D!
Lembrando, alguns dos itens são pngs do jogo original de Undertale que tirei para usar de background, a arte do Sans e do Papyrus sentados comigo, a Tv, eu mesma, as paredes, tento, chão e luzes foram feitos por mim
Remembering, some of the items are pngs from the original Undertale game that I took to use as a background, the art of Sans and Papyrus sitting with me, the TV, myself, the walls, tent, floor and lights were made by me
Ps: Ainda tem chance de coisas serem atualizadas no desenho
Ps: There's still a chance for things to be updated in the design