1 year ago

Обещанный прогресс игры
Promised game progress devlog



Hi guys, here is the promised devlog in my words it will describe the general plans and their progress as a whole since I don’t really want to write a lot, there will be little

main plans:

Attacks:(Pacifist)There will be 12 attacks in battle(50%) Genocide Survival Attack(0%)

Endings: In general, 3 endings are planned

Pacifist: standard health 20, lvl 1 (Without KR mode but 1 damage and low invulnerability)

Neutral path: You set the default health and LV yourself.

Genocide: Standard Health 48, lvl 8(KR Mode)
One attack,but very long

I plan to replace some of the sprites with a canonical underswap (you can also choose in the settings)

As you understand, Sans will catch us and therefore...

need to make another overworld (30%)

That's all I wanted to show you, see you.
(Translator used so locations may not be accurate)


Приветствую ребят,вот обещанный по моим словам Девлог в нём будут расписаны общие планы и сам их прогресс в целом так как я не особо хочю много писать он будет небольшим

основные планы:

Атаки:(Pacifist)В битве будет 12 атак(50%) Геноцид атака на выживание(0%)

Концовки:В общем плане планируются 3 концовки

Пацифист: стандартное здоровье 20, УР 1(режим БЕЗ KR но 1 уроном и малой неуязвимостью)

Нейтральный путь: вы сами устанавливаете стандартное здороье и УР

Геноцид: стандартное здоровье 48 ,УР 8(режим KR)
Одна атака,но длинная

Планирую заменить часть спрайтов под каноничного андерсвапа(в настройках так-же возможен выбор)

Как вы поняли санс будет ловить нас и поэтому...

надо делать ещё оверворлд(30%)

на этом всё.

1 comment


Next up

New sprites and thumbnail

Soon i update description

there is nothing to show from the progress, it just remains to do a "normal attack" and another long attack.

I just want to celebrate that the page is like a year. (also a little progress outside the battle)

(I'm currently using placeholders for sprites.)

Dusty Boy

some various UTY fanart! i'm using my fan redesigns i made a while back. (please don't be so harsh on dalv...) love u UTY!!!

I know, I haven't posted anything in a long time, mostly just really busy

Deltarune: Shamrock

I think it's time to move on to attacks, some will be completely redone, some will be added like here

Bendy and Ink Demon


The Murder Sans rework

the last figure based on it was made a year ago, it's crazy

a small part of the progress, oh I thought maybe tomorrow I will write a small devlog