Plants vs Zombies RPG Edition

2 years ago

Обновил спрайты персонажей. Именно обновил, т.к. прошлые были супер плохими.

Update character's sprites. Previous versions were very bad.



Next up

List of characters

Лист персонажей

Я жив и разработка продолжалась. Да, у меня долгое время были дела, поэтому не мог нормально заняться работой. Но теперь всё хорошо.

I'm alive and develop continues. Yes, I had some things to do and couldn't work. But now all under way!

И так. Показываю вам сетку иконок для предметов/способностей, чтобы хоть как-то привлечь внимание.

So, show you icon set for items/abilitys. I need you attentions!

Happy 15th Anniversary Plants Vs Zombies!!! 🌻🌱🧟‍♂️

Little fanart to

#pvz #plantsvszombies

Happy 15th Anniversary to the game that practically created half my childhood!

And apparently, I have now developed a habit of working on my art at ungodly hours of the morning, as it is 5:AM currently-


i may or may not make an full art of some person or i may just leave this like that-

Update 2.627

New challenges & new effects!

Showing off player 2 😎

What do you think?

Made my first ever animation.