FIFA 2077
4 years ago

Obrigado pelas 200 views!
Vamos trabalhar em uma atualização para o jogo. Não será muita coisa mas é de coração :)



Next up

Daniel Hartmann from Paranormal Order


Hey! I'm planning to release a trial version of the roguelike pigeon next week. Stay tuned.

Alpha 1.0.2

Crypto Update 0.1.2

Some icons for new changes coming soon...

Crypto Update 0.1.1

180p VS 4k

Alpha 1 is officially released! You can play it now on your browser. Report any bugs in the comments, updates coming soon.

Short intro of us 💕✌️

We're an eletro duo based in Seoul 🇰🇷 Heavily influenced by the 90s.

Our new album #Xennials is all about the nostalgia of that era 💽 CD listenin 📟 beeper beepin 💾 floppy disks floppin days 😎

Stream now! 🎧…

Here's a peaceful little forest scene for this #screenshotsaturday, from the beginning of the game.