I've decided to redesign Endellion Whitelock!! New details being him having a prosthetic arm and main a weapon a katana. Before he did not have brighter clothes and a prosthetic arm. Now, he does! Also here's the bio for Endellion.
Name: Endellion Whitelock
Age: 24
Gender: Transgender
Likes: Gaming, anime, technician, horror movie, swordfighting, (verosika), and exercising
Dislikes: Crowley, being alone.
Info (warning, Transphobia mentioned): Endellion is a disabled transgender guy who works for Verosika as a secondary bodyguard. How he joined was simple. He worked in a job site as a technician where people would treat him poorly because of him being trans which somehow resulted him in getting fired. Later that week he soon got an eviction notice and had to find a job sooner or later. He spotted an advertisement of Verosikas posse and decided to apply there. From there, his life got better, met new friends, and felt at home. Even falling in love with Verosika herself. Endellions arm was missing since birth and he lived with it his whole life. Despite all the messes he has been through he pulled it off as being the best of the best in Hell.