Rhythm Revolution

9 months ago


No matter what happens, don't be surprised...

RR (Rhythm Revolution) is slowly getting progress I was getting slightly bored so I made some sound effects for the menu BUT THATS NOT WHY WE ARE HERE

Demo 1:

RR demo 1 will be the start of this game's history and will have the following features:

a menu screen (look at gif for more info):


(Demo 1 menu screen, will change in future versions)

Line mode:

modes are like different ways of gameplay and line will be the default

other modes planned:

cube, ball (more will come soon)

a soundtrack and full level:

(under progress due to some slowdowns in production)

that's all I have to provide for now but more will come as time passes by




Next up

I know this isn't alot of progress but it is what I can do cuz I have exams

something spoiler, if you know you know

Room: hallway

Version: 1

here is a quick look at what horde would look like (I have had this for a while so I decided to post it before moving on)

Ending 2: Best friends :)

It has been a while since I posted anything related to this game so here is a room 1 drawing

this is the beginning of a war crime

sans in the font sans serif defines without serifs (the small indents on the letter) so sans undertale basically means without undertale

I did this thing in my free time
