
3 hours ago

Oddly, Clyde does not appear in Pac-Man Vs. He has been replaced by a green ghost like Funky that is unnamed but has been referred to as "Green" as Super Mario.

SOURCE: NAMCO MUSEUM (PAC-MAN VS. Free Multiplayer-only Ver.)



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Pac-Man's representation in the Super Smash Bros games is usually centered in the arcade series up to Pac-Mania, but it was confirmed that the Pictochat 2 in Super Smash Bros 3DS has a element based on Pac-Pix.

here's every pac man ghost ever and some pac people im convinced this is all

if i missed some tell me

short dev video

not much for now. doesn't look that good but i will change it

cant fix some stuff because i need invisible walls or its still being made

Ms. Pac-Man does not make a appearance in Pac-Man World 2 but a picture of her can be seen during the ending.

This picture is from Pac-Man Fever.

Pac-Man Fever came out 7 months after Pac-Man World 2.

Some games in Pac-Man Museum Plus had sprites altered to reflect the current appearance of Pac-Man's Family, one instance was mistakenly unchanged.

Ms. Pac-Man can still be seen in the credits for Pac-Man Arrangement (2005).

In Pac-Man World 2 there is a machine in Sue's arcade you unlock by collecting Galaxians.

Bizarrely, the texture features a screenshot of Pac-Gal, a bootleg ROM hack on Ms. Pac-Man released in 1981

Namco Roulette is the first taunt in a Smash Bros game to have a official name.

SPY x ANYA: Operation Memories includes a few minigames heavily based on classic Namco games, including Pac-Man.

Pac-Man Tamagotchi is the first original LCD game in the franchise for years. The game preceding it is Li'l Pac-Man. However it never released past a test marketing phase disqualifying it, making Pac-Junior the previous game.