Luci RPG

2 years ago

oh em geee.. this is like, totally epic 0_0
(Translation: Download the new LRPG Update!)

Character belongs to @bebder_game

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Next up

Haha new beverage that isnt Diet Coke! The dialogue will probably be fully changed in build 19, idk about build 18

A playable build of Luci RPG is now avaliable to download! If any bugs are found, make sure to let us know!

Nothing like adding a bit of customization to Luci RPG through a color-changing menu, implimented by CT_Zeal!

There may have been a few unfortunate technical delays, but the First Chapter of Clossure is now fully released on Steam!

And that's not all!

Build 23 of Luci RPG is now out! Check it out, we changed A LOT!

Am i cooking? (enemy not final)

Introduction of Dr. Vincent Novikov in Project: Shiba. Imagine making clones in your basement lol couldnt imagine

Check out this badass menu made by @CT_Zeal !

Here's title intro cutscene + title screen + system options screen.

Two people staring at each other with wrathful hate always makes for the best scenes to conform them to for all eternity. 🤩

Build 15 of Luci RPG is now available for download on both Windows and Mac!