2 years ago

Oh, hello. Thought I had abandoned this?

Well kind of, read the article for more.

I cancelled the "Alpha Project." But that didn't want to leave Shapemaze behind, so after 3 years, the game has finally gotten its second demo. Featuring many improvements to the original demo, getting it ready for a full game.

For the future of this game, I still plan to release demos, but maybe not as many as you might think. Future demos are gonna be in the form of beta builds of the game, not demo versions. As such, I'm still indecisive if the game should stick to the free game model I have been doing, or charge people for the full game. Kinda want peoples opinion on that.

Enjoy the new demo, and see ya later.



Next up

Sorry for the long wait, but the Android ports of TNAR remastered and TNAR Nightmares are now available to download here and in the Android Download Center on my website.…

Development is going good. Chapter 1 now has a lot of fruit! Someone's got to eat it I suppose.

yes i am sidetracking, the new area is mostly complete, but I'm going back and tweaking earlier points in the chapter.

I'm getting tired of making FNAF games, let's do something else...

maybe revive an old series?

Posted one of the updated songs that will appear in the recoded Chapter 1 on SoundCloud. Take this and the sick art I made for it

So yall really like when I release stuff on Android, so heres a little something for yall! See ya soon ;)

Demo 3 is now in the oven. Get ready for 2 new songs and local Co-Op. Also here's a screenshot to hype you up :)
