4 years ago

oh hey there someone who is visiting my gamejolt page or got a notification cuz you followed me, hope you have a good time torturing protocoso cuz thats what im into now lmfao plus have this welcoming image (yes thats the colored version of my gj pfp)



Next up

welcome to a part 2 of real fnacoso where i make it worst

and probably dont get featured this time around

greetings ladies and gentlemans, welcome to the five nights at thing 2 please welcome our suffering advanced things, if they smile, they are faking it, have fun looking at my masterpieces

oh, here is a picture of protocoso- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (no mouth protocoso yep also somerandomwizard would *not* be proud of this)

welcome to the final part where i finally am done with fnathing 1 and now doing ”smart good” drawings of fnathing 2 once its released and i see them in extras (by smart good i mean stupid bad cuz idk how to draw all of the characters from fnathing 2)

(finally a meme that doesnt stack to each other and this may be the final meme for today) Everybody thought the Earth was flat, but astronauts managed to find the Earth is Cosonut in 2031. (colored, real)

we have to admit it, we didnt see the protocoso being old coso and thats why we hate protocoso cuz it killed us in coso 1, thats illegal doe

so i made coso a thing, that is it

o no guys is karen protocoso!!!!11!!1 shes speaking to me and she says she should be offical to coso 3 and wizard should be a badly drawn character that doesnt do anything!! what do i do guys???

who would win in this meme? (and lose) choose now or you wont beat 7 (maybe 8) green mode in fnacoso2 and wizard will slap you for 5000000000 years! (this is a joke, did that cuz i dont want someone woooshed here)

a normal fan of fnacoso: what did you create, a monster?? me: no, that, is masterpiece.